Best MBA Thesis Annual Competition: Maryna Afanasieva


Every year Vitaly Gaiduk, chairman of MIM’s board, gives a prize to the best MBA thesis of the year. This year's winner was Maryna Afanasieva, head of international projects for Asino Ukraine.

Serhiy Voronov, professor of project management at MIM Business School, supervised her thesis, which was dedicated to investment project analysis. Maryna especially mentioned how supportive he was to her work:

“I have never put so much effort into learning as when I was preparing my thesis. Such intensity was inspired by Serhiy Voronov, who helped me to develop a very practical and applicable system. The applicability of my thesis is especially valuable for me. I’d like to mention that Serhiy’s course on project management was exactly what I needed for my work. Working with Serhiy was easy because of the helpful feedback that he regularly provided, his critical thinking, and his unorthodox approaches to doing things.”

Asino Ukraine has already put Maryna’s system to the test. She believes that the thesis launched a new stage of her career, as the implementation of projects was always challenging.

News of the business school

August 11, 2021