Our Alumni
Some numbers
{{style:bold}} 7,500 alumni of various programs {{/style:bold}} {{break}} {{break}} Alumni of the MIM Business School are people who are ready to take responsibility and make decisions based on critical analysis and ethical principles. Our alumni are always ranked among the most effective top managers in the country and the world. They are ready to counter the challenges of the modern world and the changes that must be made to raise the standard of living of Ukrainians

MIM community -
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contributes to the disclosure of the most important quality of a modern manager - flexibility, which is necessary for decision-making in today's conditions
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it is an atmosphere that forms a corporate culture, systematizes knowledge, and ensures effective interpersonal communications
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it's an environment where a lot of interesting things happen
This is the life of the MIM community
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Various business events, meetings with opinion leaders, owners and managers of successful businesses
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Synergy, exchange of experience and ideas for continuous personal and professional growth
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Friendly relations and communication among like-minded people
A word to our alumni
"There are no problems that cannot be solved" - the key message during the years of study
Programs for alumni
If you are thinking about continuing your education at MIM, we would like to remind you - a {{style:bold}} 10% {{/style:bold}} discount applies to studying {{style:bold}}under any program{{/style:bold}}