

Medium-term programs for the development of functional competencies of managers are the first step towards an MBA

Perfect for:

  1. 01

    Heads of company divisions and project managers

  2. 02

    Owners of medium and small businesses

  3. 03

    For those who look personal and career growth


Master of Business Administration is a qualification much sought after by current business leaders worldwide. MIM is the only business school in Ukraine that enjoys both national and international accreditations – by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, AMBA and BGA, and CEEMAN

Perfect for:

  1. 01

    Ambitious leaders in any field

  2. 02

    Business owners

  3. 03

    Heads of various divisions of companies

Women Leadership Program

The program is jointly implemented by the MIM Business School and IMD with the support of IMD's Lundin Sustainability Chair (participation in the program is FREE)

Perfect for:

  1. 01

    Women in managerial positions

  2. 02

    Leaders of civil society organization

  3. 03

    Representatives of state administration structures

  4. 04

    Businesswomen who seek to develop their leadership qualities and management efficiency in the difficult conditions of wartime and post-war reconstruction of Ukraine


The DBA program is a unique product on the Ukrainian business education market. Doctor of Business Administration is the highest qualification degree in management recognized in the world

Perfect for:

  1. 01

    Those who have significant management experience

  2. 02

    Obtained not only higher education, but also business education (MBA)

  3. 03

    Makes strategic business decisions in the company

  4. 04

    He has experience and consulting skills in the field of business management

Comparison of programs

You have the opportunity to compare all the main programs with each other according to the main characteristics and find the best option for yourself

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Help with the choice?

Please leave your contacts and we will tell you which program will solve your management and business problems

Entry question

Nelia Biduk


Get a personal consultation: write, call! Communication in Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram messengers is possible


Corporate programs

For you

  1. 01

    Business education

  2. 02

    Live broadcasts on Facebook

  3. 03

    MIM Global Knowledge Hub

Business trainings solve specific issues, business education provides the key to system knowledge. It is better to develop new skills and receive business education during a crisis than to wait until the war is over.

Oleksiy Vinogradov, vice president of the MIM Business School
