MIM-Kyiv delivered its third management development program for future leaders of the National Bank of Ukraine. Out of the total of 77 managers of the NBU who took the program at MIM-Kyiv 12 has already been promoted to executive positions as of now.
Prof. Iryna Tykhomyrova, MIM-Kyiv president said in her welcome to the new MIM-Kyiv alumni: “I am proud to deliver the program to such an important and respected institution. Educating the team secures long-term success of organizations. So does the NBU.”
Lubov Pysana, HR department director in her welcome shared the information that four out of this group had been promoted during the program: “I’d like to thank MIM-Kyiv for the long-term cooperation. We are delighted that our future leadership is studying here. I hope our cooperation with you, the best Ukrainian business school will continue. I will initiate the programs further on because I believe that our leaders should have excellent hard skills and be able to lead as well.”
This program was focused on leadership skills. Oleksandr Sudarkin, MBA programs director and expert in soft skills mentioned: “Good leadership requires hard skills, soft skills, and constant self-improvement. Managers and leaders are role models. Regardless of the online format you interacted and worked hard to acquire new knowledge and master new skills. Your advancement was obvious. Thank you for your efforts and progress!”